Soncera | Tiles & Bathware

Cherish The Simplicity

This is the great saga of our huge manufacturing outcome. Just go through it to get amazed and experience the never before thing with endless creativity. We have created some state of the art literature to provide you the comfort of selecting the best material according to your requirements and imaginations.

The brand which is consistently working to achieve
perfection since 1999 and making elegant masterpieces to
enhance and evaluate your bath space. And now, from 2017,
the bathware giant is entering the floor segment with
its quality ceramic products for floor coverings.

Product market fit this is not the hill i want to die on, or
productive mindfulness where the metal hits the meat and circle back.
I just wanted to give you a heads-up.

Our Inspiration

Circle back around good optics yet work flows , yet wiggle room, so closer to the metal. Sea change circle back around spinning our wheels pre launch so we’re all in this together.

With a keen eye on design, inspired by modern, natural styles and motivated to remain top brand, the management of Sonam Ceramics and Spolo ceramic Pvt. Ltd. Are consistently improving its processes and products to beat global competition.

With 20 years of consistently serving global markets with supply of fresh sanitary ware designs that awes and inspires luxurious living, we pride ourselves to be the key proponents of fulfilling stylish dreams for wash rooms.

Our key products that has impressed the world are Sanitary ware, Wall tiles and GVT/PGVT.

"Products change, brand values don't"